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Design tips for Designers

Standard layout of a newsletter

If the newsletter isn’t shown correctly, the recipients like to open it in the Browserview (if you don’t build it in, we do)

optimal 300x150 pixel widthxlenght as .PNG on transparent Background

Header image:
optimal 600x400 pixel widthxlenght as .JPG or .PNG

Your introduction text and message (no character limit)
optimal general Introduction like Dear Travel partners,’

Offers / Products / Informations (Image, Text, Button)
1/2/3-column layouts available

Button (or link in text)
Tell your recipient what you want them to do (e.g. sign-up for a roadshow)

Impressum: bottom (aligned centered, can be with Logo)
If available, put in social media icons or links and a copyright

Other requirements

  • Max. 2 fonts for optimale readability: Arial/Verdana and other device-independent fonts
  • fontsize: we recommend min. 14pt and enough line-height
  • Your button should be at least 48x48 Pixel (thumb size)

Other requirements for banners on the portal or ads in the order service newsletter, you can find here.

Requirements for developers


Please use the HTML5 version. 
Older versions will not work accordingly.

Check for Responsive Design, so your recepients can view the newsletter even on mobile devices. Here a quick introduction:

✓ Glyphs should be written XML conform (" or & or ' or < or > Use   instead of  )

✓ Absolute Links for graphics like

Use for positioning text HTML-tables andd inline-styles for <table> and <td>


✖ Character-Encoding in format UTF-8 4-byte isn’t supported. You can use several tools to check this.

✖ Each code line should be 700 characters long, not longer, that ensures the right presentation of your newsletter.

✖ No background images or overlays. Older outlook versions wouldn’t load them.

✖ No skripts (no <script>…</script>) If you want something to be moving in the newsletter, use a GIF file.

✖ No local links like ..\Desktop\image.jpg


Team E-Mail & Fax

INFOX GmbH & Co. Informationslogistik KG
Genker Straße 20 
53842 Troisdorf-Spich

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